porque convergimos e integramos com AMOR, VERDADE, RETIDÃO, PAZ E NÃO-VIOLÊNCIA

dedicamos este espaço a todos que estão na busca de agregar idéias sobre a condição humana no mundo contemporâneo, através de uma perspectiva holística, cujos saberes oriundos da filosofia, ciência e espiritualidade nunca são divergentes; pelo contrário exige-nos uma postura convergente àquilo que nos move ao conhecimento do homem e das coisas.
Acredito que quanto mais profundos estivermos em nossas buscas de respostas da consciência melhor será para alcançarmos níveis de entendimento de quem somos nós e qual o propósito que precisaremos dar as nossas consciências e energias objetivas e sutis para se cumprir o projeto de realização holística, feliz, transcendente, consciente e Amorosa.

"Trata-se do sentido da unidade das coisas: homem e natureza, consciência e matéria, interioridade e exterioridade, sujeito e objeto; em suma, a percepção de que tudo isso pode ser reconciliado. Na verdade, nunca aceitei sua separatividade, e minha vida - particular e profissional - foi dedicada a explorar sua unidade numa odisseia espiritual". Renée Weber


O cientista (psicólogo e reitor da Universidade Holística - UNIPAZ) PIERRE WEIL (1989) aponta os seguintes elementos para a falta de convergência e integração da consciência humana em geral: "A filosofia afastou-se da tradição, a ciência abandonou a filosofia; nesse movimento, a sabedoria dissociou-se do amor e a razão deixou a sabedoria, divorciando-se do coração que ela já não escuta. A ciência tornou-se tecnologia fria, sem nenhuma ética. É essa a mentalidade que rege nossas escolas e universidades"(p.35).

"Se um dia tiver que escolher entre o mundo e o amor...Lembre-se: se escolher o mundo ficará sem o amor, mas se escolher o amor, com ele conquistará o mundo" Albert Einstein

sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013


(Number 17 ... obs.: I had to cut some final pages (and other unpublished put that talk about CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD: MY UNDERWEAR AND RESERVED TALK WITH GOD - HOW?, DIALOGUE EU-TU (MARTIN BUBER) The Work of Salvation in Each One, ... BEFORE DEATH IN LIFE) because facebook has limits number of characters you want ... ok .. who removed the previous chapters look at my page EDUCATION FOR THE THIRD MILLENNIUM editions I posted here earlier ... Namaste ...... ok?)
"Lord, I know You Probes me ..."
"Know thyself" - Socrates (see link ... encyclical "Faith and Reason" Leap of Pope John II ..
"All you need is love" (Lennon / Macartney)
"The human problem is the same problem divine when one is able to respond so we can meet each other" Melgaço Bernardo da Silva philosophizing in conversation with his dear friend and anthropologist and philosopher Professor José Nilton de Figueiredo night in June of 2013 middle- night at 1 am. He asked me a sabbatical friendly and interesting ... as it was difficult to answer the questions raised by him ... because he is a very fine person ... very gentle ... and very friendly .... and very smart!! !


Namaste to all brothers and sisters, recently I posted on facebook a video whose title is amazing I AM (About Tom Shadyac) ... after watching this video .. see link (http://www.oprah.com/own-super-soul-sunday/I-AM-Watch-the-Trailer-Video) felt the need to share with you my spiritual experiences inexplicable about the essence of Divine Love. I confess that I do not claim that everyone will understand me, but I keep in my desire to sow my findings inexplicable that we may have and live a better world than this. In 1988 I was blessed by a spiritual-mystical experience with Divine Love and from that experience I decided to write and publish in a scientific, philosophical and spiritual and not stopped until today sick and distressed as I am now. Faith in God gives me strength to continue writing and publishing my thoughts for all that exists behind this word as spoken, but little experienced by humanity: Divine Love. And how was this phenomenon? It all started when in desperation I prayed to God to reveal to me His truth about our human life chaotic, violent, accelerated and neurotic. This copiously weeping on his knees looking at a picture of Jesus, his face painted in white on a black velvet cloth with the crown of thorns and blood dripping on the face, one afternoon when I was living in a kitchenette in the Flamengo neighborhood on the south side of the River January. I was an engineer and was starting my Masters at COPPE / UFRJ. Then, one afternoon when lectured at my university for a group of teachers and students felt an inner voice saying, "Are you proud." I replied immediately: "where speech and who you are?". The voice inside me said, "I am." And I asked again: "I am who?". The inner voice kept saying, "I am." And then out of the university crying and asking myself, "Who am I". And the voice continued answering the same phrase over and over again. I spent several days questioning me about the nature of the mysterious inner voice. Until one day she sensed me to go to the bathroom my kitchenette and look in the mirror. And before the mirror to the Inner Voice said, "You want to make your transformation awake or asleep." I replied: "I want to sleep." And the inner voice said, "No. .. you will stay awake ... and then will do a job at the university." I could not do anything other than "pray and watch myself every second." So, I intuited to seek spiritual help a friend of mine right next to where I lived. And she gave me guidance saying: "Bernardo, pay attention ... in all of us, two levels of existence-consciousness: the higher self and lower self ... find out for yourself who is who in yourself." I had read some books of spiritual entity known as André Luiz psychographed by Chico Xavier. And I spotted these books and wrote two sentences that I caught my attention and they are "intuition is the basis of spirituality" and the other "thought is energy." I pasted these two sentences on paper on my shelf plywood blank to not forget them. So I began a journey of research from these three basic principles: "There is in us two levels of existence-consciousness: the upper and lower", "intuition is the basis of spirituality", "thought is energy." So, I started paying attention to my own thoughts, feelings and desires. I started out from the assumption that the nature (consciousness) was lower frequency (vibration) low (negative) and other nature (consciousness) above (positive) was frequency (vibration) high. And with a lot of willpower fierce watched my two levels of consciousness that was separating the upper and lower inside myself. My friend Ana who guided me on two levels of consciousness one day invited me to meet a spiritual-mystical place known as BRIDGE TO FREEDOM (See Link ... http://www.ponteparaaliberdade.com.br/ .. . till today it exists!). And there is a spiritual or spiritual center, but in the room or in a common house of a person who tells CHANNEL highly evolved spiritual masters who intuited CANAL so everyone knew the Truth of higher spirituality. The first time I went I was amazed at what I have and I began to feel when the woman (CANAL) spoke about the divine hierarchies and they wanted us to do for a new era of spiritual evolution. A lot of young and beautiful woman emitted an energy that vibrated in me so hard I thought she was in a trance. And then the second time I felt also a very strange heat energy in my body. So I bought a basic book BRIDGE TO FREEDOM: THERE LIGHT. And took home this and other books that I bought right there. But late at night I unwrapped the package and opened the book and THERE LIGHT started reading and what happened out of the ordinary? I could not stop reading the book and went through the night as well. At one point, I felt that it was late and needed to sleep, but at the same time I felt I was full of energy strange but tasty and strong, do not let me relax for sleep. And that's when I remembered to ask my intuition how to get to sleep. My inner voice told me: "Go to a page at the end of the book and read a prayer." And so I went and got (the prayer was an archangel .. I can not remember his name). And I lay down and "erased" (sleep) immediately. Before I slept I asked when I woke up in the morning I was with the same mysterious energy while reading the book. And so it was, when I woke up with the same energy was hot. I went to the Flamengo Park (near my apartment) and I started to walk and practice the teachings and spiritual discipline of BRIDGE TO FREEDOM. The discipline was to invoke a violet flame (or call the spiritual master of that flame - Saint Germain). This spiritual-mystical school teaches that every human being vibrates in a certain color (the seven colors of the rainbow). I later discovered that my color was Blue Master El Morya - an Ascended Master BRIDGE TO FREEDOM. Psychics Psychics have seen him behind me several times! Returning to the subject also began practicing the discipline of violet flame to turn negative into positive vibrations. And did so with perseverance I started to enter a state of consciousness of inner peace and spiritual balance. In my spiritual discipline used the mantras (sacred repetitions) BRIDGE TO FREEDOM eg, "I am God" or "I am the powerful presence of God in action" or "The Will of God is Good, God's Will is the Peace, God's Will is Happiness, The Will of God is Goodness ". These techniques all I alternated, but do not let my unoccupied mind thinking and oscillating between the past and the future. I could not under any circumstances lose faith and will of course continue my spiritual purification - for weeks on end without stopping! And what happened at some point I realized that I had to give the domain order and stay in balance anytime. In the late afternoon my intuition told me that I had achieved the power to order any positive energy for me. So each order given I was experiencing the energy applied, for example if I asked Peace, Inner peace manifested, if I asked Joy I was happy and so on. So I kept my discipline and I realized that I was the one responsible for my destiny and my inner happiness. Upon this my level of consciousness was no longer rational, had reached the advanced state of intuition. And I was totally absorbed in this discipline to the point that I was more than a month away from UFRJ. Now I get the most fantastic time of my spiritual-mystical experience. It was the afternoon of August and I was doing my spiritual discipline in a state of transcendental consciousness - unexplained, ie, a feeling of lightness within, peace and serenity ... until the phone rang and I answered it immediately. Across the phone line (at that time there was no cell) Gláucia was my friend who was also a master's degree student in my class. Gláucia asked me, "Bernardo, all of us here are concerned about your absence, my friend tell me what is wrong with you?". I said: "Do you have time to hear me." And she replied: "I have, count". Then I started to tell my story of spiritual discipline with a sweet voice and serene, with absolute calm. At one point in history (bonita!) I even moved me and I wanted to cry. I tried to hold back tears, and suddenly I hear my intuition talking loudly in my consciousness: "Bernardo, release the emotion". And then I started crying and sobbing, and told my friend that I needed to stop talking to myself. At that moment, I felt the most amazing phenomenon that an ordinary mortal human being can experience on earth! In the center of my chest something revolved at a speed and very high frequency which left me in an emotional state inexplicable was the Love! And when I put the phone in the vertical base felt a lot of energy hot thin touch my right arm. At that moment, not understanding what was happening I turned to my intuition and asked, "where does this energy?". Intuition told me: "Look at the center of your left hand." And then I realized that this wonderful energy coming from the center of my left hand. Then my intuition guided me to sit on my heels and raise your right hand open toward the sky. And then I discovered that this energy also came from the cosmos and into the tip of my right hand fingers and ran a path toward the center of my chest further increasing the speed and frequency of the energy coming out of it. I was extremely delighted with this phenomenon, and found that the energy was at various points in my apartment. The next day, I was still unusual in that transcendental state and went to work as an institution spiritualist medium (IEVE) which was in Ipanema (noble and wealthy neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro). That day was a Thursday something extraordinary happened: a miracle cure, which was announced the following week. Our engineer and owner of the spiritualist center said: "I want to communicate and congratulate all of you, because there was a miracle here on Thursday last, I do not know which one of you was responsible for this miracle cure". This text is not complete ... I tried to make a synthesis not to tire my readers ... another time inexplicable tale other details that were not placed in this text.

In 1988 when I knelt (crying uncontrollably) before a picture of Jesus Christ in that moment I was filled with uncertainty, a lot of suffering, but also paradoxical as it seems was filled with compassion for myself and for humanity. I made the following supplication fervently, with all my soul suffered: "Father, show me the way, show me the Truth. I do not want power ". The next day I repeated the same prayer the same way weeping copiously and suffering soul with compassion. And what happened to extraordinary? From that day every night (for over a week!) In a dream I saw a woman dressed as a bride who addressed me saying: "If you want to find the Truth marry me, I'm waiting a long time." At that time I had a psychologist (his name was Etienne - his office was in the center of Rio de Janeiro in a street parallel to the Avenida Presidente Vargas - location of tall buildings commercial banks, the Central Bank, other services etc..) That besides psychologist was also spiritual. So, Etienne tried to decipher my dreams of the bride. So, I told Etienne dreams and asked: "Etienne, who is this bride?". Etienne opened a soft smile, his face was serene and eyes showed an emotion, and he said: "Bernard, this bride is not human, do not look for it in our world concrete and objective, it is within you understood ... ? ". I went to my apartment in the neighborhood of Flamengo asked me how to find the bride in me. I did not know rationally what this phenomenon meant. So I was confused for several days. My head was impressed with those visions, I kept thinking about it: the bride of the mysterious dreams! So, I decided to buy some spiritual books, the very entity known as André Luiz, Chico Xavier by psychographic. And in reading these books I discovered the "clues" that would help me find the mysterious bride within me. The two key phrases of André Luiz are: "Intuition is the basis of spirituality" and "Thought is energy." And with these two "tracks" I started making an abstraction and fantastic imagination. It is important to note here that I did the course electrician installer when he was 17 in Senai. And he had worked as an electrician at various factories in Rio de Janeiro. And besides, I also did my undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering Electronic mode. This training in the field of electricity and electronics helped me a lot in my research inside - nothing happens by chance! So my reading academic field electrical / electronic allowed me to disregard the phenomenon of energy. And my own direct experience with electricity as an electrician gave me a condition of accepting no intellectual resistance (rational) the phenomenon of thought as energy - not just as a concept or idea simply. What did extraordinary? I began to imagine that my thoughts were following the same laws of physics in the field of electricity and electromagnetism. In other words, if the electricity and electronics were running relays, coils, transformers, motors, radios, televisions, cameras, transmitters, receivers, telephones, computers, microprocessors, capacitors, transistors, rectifiers, oscillators, finally a world of wonderful technologies ... so thought this could have extraordinary power of the technologies that I knew - I had no doubt!!! Yikes!! And if this is true, I thought, I can modulate, transform, capture, see, send, receive, manipulate, move, accumulate, process, magnetize, influencing everything around me and within me. And how to find out if this is true? And if the reason is a form or pattern of energy? And intuition could be another energy pattern at a level higher frequency ... imagined ... spectacular!! I said to myself: "I have to test this hypothesis of thought-energy and discard common idea that thought is an idea or concept." But how to test the thought-energy if the reason is energy and intuition is another level of frequency? I was amazed with this hypothesis, it was enough just to test (try, it is important to note that modern science has advanced only when actually realized he should formulate hypotheses, test and confirm thus creating what scientists recognize as a valid theory (until refuted (transcended) by a new theory and new experience!.) But my question was to discover the phenomenon of thought-energy, energy-energy-sense and desire. had an "idea" brilliant: I will discipline myself and modulating frequency (type radio AM (amplitude modulation) and FM (frequency modulated))!! And soon stopped using and believe that my thoughts were just concepts, ideas and intellectual reasoning. then I became a scientist myself , ie I was the observer (scientist) and my thoughts, feelings and desires were my objects of study and experience. But how to stop the logical and intellectual who would not stop talking on my conscience? This problem could not be answered by reason, because reason as human phenomenon was the object of my study. Which was answer to this question: what is the energy-ratio? only I found the appropriate tool to test the phenomena of thought-energy-sense- desire, when by "chance" (meaning, here, what is strange, unexpected or surprise) started using the techniques of spiritual institution mystical-esoteric BRIDGE TO FREEDOM. THERE I learned in the book LIGHT discipline or exercise of mantras (very common discipline of the yogis in India!), for example: "I am God", "I am the powerful presence of God in Action," "The Will of God is Good; The Will Of God is Peace, The God's will is Happiness, The Will of God is Purity, God's Will is the Balance; God's Will is Goodness. "I realized immediately that this exercise discipline or interrupted (since I did uninterruptedly! ) the ongoing process of logical reasoning and intellectual. This was my first discovery. A second discovery was how to modulate and transform my impulses, desires, and feelings of low frequency to a higher level of high frequency. And this second question was also discovered by "chance" (I did not mean to make this order) when I believed strongly that the use or viewing of the violet flame (the Ascended Master Saint Germain) was able to turn my negative energy into positive (since I do exercise or discipline uninterrupted!). So I alternated disciplines all day - every second! The third question was like watching my automatic impulses: to think, feel and want, the answer to this question was also a "chance" (I do not had read anything about it.) The only discipline that I discovered by "accident" before 1988 was to close my eyes and focus attention on the darkness of my consciousness (I did it when I was 18 years old, and at that time I realized that I could relax if I stayed half an hour doing this exercise, also discovered by "accident".) It is good to note that several and several important scientific discoveries were made by "chance" when the scientist was distracted, dreaming or saw an unusual phenomenon, without have raised any circumstances. Briefly, I started doing an exercise in contemplation unconsciously later - much later - is that I found it. The act of looking or self-observe continuously enables us the ability to distance ourselves from our self- ego. And in the process we are lifted to the top level of the Self (term used in psychology or psychoanalysis) or intuition. Human reason is captive of the five common senses. And why all the great scientists (like Einstein who discovered the mind rational moves and crosses the border and arrives intuition ... and all great discoveries were made by intuition.) and Albert Einstein wrote a letter to a philosopher heard the saying "Old" (I put that quote in my dissertation or in my doctoral thesis ... for sure) or "Intelligence in Nature" (he tried to avoid using the term "God" not to be mistaken as a religious.) He (Einstein) said: "I think 99 times and nothing discover. Diving in deep silence. Behold the Truth is revealed to me. "He used the expression REVEALED, why? Because the revelation is a spiritual phenomenon that occurs in nature since any discipline yourself to listen to it. discipline is the basis of all the findings both in the scientific and spiritual. discipline develops only through faith in the exercise or experience that human beings want to discover, develop or reveal. And faith here is not simply a religious belief or scientific.'s a transcendental phenomenon inside the multidimensionality (scientists (modern physics) have discovered that our existence is made up of several parallel worlds ... at least 12 worlds!! ... have a video on the Internet BBC showing this discovery) human. Truth which Einstein himself referred to is nothing more than divine intuition. And Einstein was aware of it because he said: "Study the faith." Genuine faith is the divine way to divine truth within the human being. In other words, the problem of human existence is the same problem of the existence of God, so that when we get the answer to one of these two problems can meet each other. Creator and the creature are very close, closer than the electron revolves around the atomic nucleus. In this context, the divine Truth is unspeakable. And every time humans try to tell the truth it transforms the energy into energy intuitive rational. Therefore, even if each has its "true" rational. And everyone has the same divine Truth. Fantastic finding this in 1988!!! A person in a state will always be misunderstood intuitive for all those that are in the rational use of energy-conscious! This implies that every time we want to be right in an argument with each other unconsciously created a conflict and generate a crisis that can affect the spiritual life of the two. spiritual life is so serious that if we knew the consequences never would judge the speck from another or their disability or their ignorance. So Buddha said: "There is no conflict between good and evil, but between ignorance and wisdom." In this sense, the spiritual evolution (and not simply material-technological) is vital to any human society. What want, then the Creator? I realized that He wants us to be happy, have peace, compassion, love, brotherhood, solidarity, empathy, sincerity, brotherhood, cooperation (not competition) etc.. Briefly, we are Your Image Similarity and here on Earth. therefore the phrase wonderful spirit, "without charity there is no salvation" (and I do not consider myself spirit, but spiritual - are different.) We have to respect every human being and be supportive, loving and charitable. Sadhana and its intensity is going to generate or produce a degree of spirituality in each. Prayer it helps a lot, but it alone does not produce an immediate effect of transcendence. depends on the intuitive leap "pray and watch the himself "and the foundation" know thyself "(read the encyclical of Pope John Paul II:" Faith and Reason "-" Fides et Ratio "). And if we know ourselves deeply, we see with absolute certainty: God speaking (a deep inner silence). confess that almost "snapped" during this process of self-knowledge. Some people thought I was crazy, including two professors at COPPE / UFRJ. A meeting was held between 3 teachers (Ronaldo, and Roberto Miguel ) to discuss what to do with me. Ronaldo (my advisor at the time) said (as reported by Miguel): "He's crazy!." Miguel said: "it is the way to madness." And Roberto (he did a course in theology at PUC-RJ) said: "Let me talk to him first to know what is actually happening." After a private conversation Roberto said to me: "You're not crazy. All you have told resemblance to the stories of saints, most likely you have reached the level of consciousness of them. I did not have to read a lot more experience the stories of the saints. You want me to be your new advisor?. "I replied," yes. would love ". E it was done!


There are various techniques and spiritual disciplines that once made with everyday perseverance makes realize the divine nature of our true Self. During human history several people (teachers of mankind) found its own way to this spiritual endeavor. What I'm describing here is the way I did and do today. In principle we have to assume that the reality we see on the outside of the objective world is not exactly as we think it is. In other words, what we see is a one drop in the ocean of the unknown world. This means that in reality is hidden because our five senses and reason objectively analytical shows a portion of the total reality. So to expand awareness and for verifying what lies beyond appearances of these facts and concrete phenomena and subjective, we should start a SEARCH (or INVESTIGATION IS) in ourselves. What does "search on ourselves"? It is the path of self-knowledge, self-awareness or self-consciousness, autosuperação, self-transformation. "The path is narrow and small door" - says a saying religious. Rare are those who discover your true Self. Most have not agreed or not reached the consciousness of consciousness. It is an arduous task that unforgiving must be run in the exercise of perceiving the world and yourself. Generally we are so alienated and distracted that we realize a parallel reality our inside ourselves. Several philosophers, saints, mystics, scientists and philosophers left "clues" of the paths that they themselves did. Why this path is so difficult? Because we know not formulate the correct existential problem for our lives. Scientist Einstein went on to say the formulation of a scientific problem was something so important that a properly done did research already be halfway there. We used to receive millions of messages from the outside without a filter that enables us to discern what is true and false. Therefore, our minds are littered with false truths. And what the mind can register is a tiny part of the whole that is all around us in the impregnating. And if you realize the thoughts that chain together one after another will find that the mind rational analytical toward the objective world is in constant "chatter", ie a mental turmoil between two poles: yesterday (past) and tomorrow (future). Rarely found in the state of consciousness of the here and now (present). Were educated subtly designed to use the mind for the future while continually remembering the past. We were not raised to control the mind and cause it to remain in this intensely lived (here and now). Discipline for reeducation of the mind is called meditation and / or deconditioning. The mind is very powerful - what we think and feel we accomplish "good" (constructive) or "bad" (destructive) in the "future" is the result of our own choices. There are guilty! We are all involved since we were born, and so we continue the exercise of perception that our ancestors taught us. But since being enters into an existential crisis or identity it back to yourself because you realize that it is necessary for an answer to their existential problems. Our schools and universities, with rare exceptions, never teach the techniques of self to transcend the existential level of reason and live in fact guided by divine intuition. These few stand out for the fierce willpower, sensitivity sutilizada and refined intelligence-intuitive (eg.: Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, Sathya Sai Baba, Chico Xavier, Socrates, Einstein etc.) Because it differed from most stuck in " their "own beliefs about the world, life and human existence. So, how to get out of this conditioning process of the mind, feeling and desire? The Eastern masters, saints and many scientists and philosophers have tried to teach us. What I learned is that the individual needs certain qualities or factors for treading the noble path of self-knowledge. And they are:
a) willpower focused on autosuperação;
b) sutilizada sensitivity to the process of discernment between psychological traits bales (negative) and strong (positive);
c) Faith or belief in the deep inner voice silent (not to be confused with a simple belief);
d) perseverance in the process or spiritual discipline (if possible every second!);
e) developed intelligence (intuitive) to develop new questions and seek the answers to the hypotheses;
f) never doubt that we are beings of various dimensions and levels of consciousness abstract;
g) pay full attention on yourself without judging or blaming the thoughts and feelings poorly designed;
h) trust the lonely path you are doing with yourself;
i) approaching people experienced (preferably very experienced spiritual masters - very careful in choosing!) that are also unusual in that quest (the mass is distracted by other events: football, television, party politics (being political and being partisan political social phenomena are different ... eg: Tibetan monks are political but not partisan ... because they do social movements against autocratic Chinese communist regime that interferes with the spiritual and material life of them - who chooses currently the spiritual leader Tibetan is the Chinese government, ie, the power of the monks withdrew to choose who should be the spiritual leader and their State);
j) be tolerant and forgiving himself and his fellows;
k) read good spiritual books (eg.: Jesus Christ, Sathya Sai Baba, Chico Xavier, Alan Kardec, Yogananda, Krisnamurti Buddha BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, etc..) of great spiritual teachers (preferably the original);
l) be very careful not to get lost in spiritual discipline - because without an accompanying spiritual individual can "freak out" (the choice to follow this path is the responsibility of each - great care is because every spiritual path has its risk !).

Once you enter this path determines keep it steady, even in sickness, brave and determined because it is something that is actually achieved will benefit us forever and improve the character of the world. Remembering always be mindful of their peers helping them as much as possible to alleviate suffering and increase their peace. Happiness is not given to anyone, it is earned through hard work and continuous. And if you do find that path definitely waiting for you: HIM - GOD!

I already told you at the beginning of this series (in the Introduction) how it all started. And I made a very brief text to not tire my readers. Today I will go into more detail to make it more clear process of self-knowledge and conversation with God within my consciousness. Having established that there was a mysterious voice who kept talking to me at every moment (segundos!), I was very impressed, but at the same time I felt a human being privileged. I led a normal life, but after my intimate experience with the mysterious voice of God within me began to discipline myself to be more careful - as much as possible you could do! The first step in this process is a crisis of identity: who am I anyway? Be human or divine-spiritual? It is a phenomenon that happens, ie, can not be planned. The Will of Him drives us to the path of self-knowledge extremely difficult. In the stories of Carlos Castaneda (see link ... http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Castaneda) the Indian D. Juan took ten years to teach the way the Nagual (spiritual, transcendental). Then we can get an idea of how hard it is to enter this path. I got "lucky" because a Willpower absurd pushed me and kept me vigilant hear a "silent knowledge" (term used by Mexican Indian Juan D.) every second, every step, every thought, every feeling, every desire and every act of mine. In this context, we have to do if we want to hear from YOU if HE does not employ Willpower Him and pull you closer to Him. In other words, or entered a violent identity crisis (in Chinese ideogram crisis means danger and opportunity) that can lead us to a path of revelation of Him or darkness of madness and loss of reason. And what to do? We need a spiritual discipline and follow it faithfully, then the willful isolation helps because the culture and energy of the people around us to pull us "down" (reason and instinct) ... field bioletromagnético individuals act in our nature unprepared to stand firm on a higher level of consciousness. The issue is being in the world but not be involved and that world order dominated by concrete and rational-instinctive. It is a very difficult task for anyone. The practice of mantras (see link .. http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantra ... enough to help stop the ongoing process of the rational mind which is active all the time planning what to do in the future or in the making remember facts or events from the past. This means that we have been educated and disciplined unilaterally using reason and instinct (libido - the animal part of man) .. Mantra (Sanskrit Man and Tra mind control) is a religious syllable or poem usually in Sanskrit. Mantras originated from Hinduism, but are also used in Buddhism and Jainism. Tibetan Mantras are chanted as prayers repeated. Mahayana Buddhism Tibetan mantras used in Tibetan, Zen Buddhism in Japan uses them in Japanese. John Blofeld found in Hong Kong in the early twentieth century mantras whose language no one could identify, and that seemed a modification of an original Sanskrit. For some schools, specifically the technical basis, mantra can be any sound, syllable, word, sentence or text who holds a specific power. however, it is essential that belongs to a dead language, in which the meanings and pronunciations not suffer erosion of regionalisms because of the evolution of language. mantras exist to facilitate concentration and meditation, mantras to energize , falling asleep or awakening, to develop chakras or energy channels vibrate to unblocking them.).
The underlying impulses that we are part of an instinctive process and somatization and conditioning subtly introduced since our childhood to old age and then in certain death. In all ages of civilization man wanted to see, hear and understand God directly. Of course the name "God" is not a patent of any religion or philosophy. We call it Christ, Buddha, Sathya Sai Baba, Krsihna (Krishna (Sanskrit: कृष्ण) is a central figure of Hinduism ... see link ... https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krishna) etc..
In this sense, God has no name and no form defined set, but it is a transcendental spiritual phenomenon that is present in everything and everyone. But the main issue is to detect their presence in our consciousness. In India it is called a LIT human being who by a spiritual discipline fierce reached the level of consciousness of the divine in its own interior. The closest level to reach the level of divine consciousness is through discipline improving intuition and character (not to be confused with the moral and intellectual rational). Intuition-character is a "door" that must open to enter the Kingdom of God (term used by Jesus Christ). Master Sathya Sai Baba teaches a spiritual discipline (Sadhana) once performed flawlessly daily produces extraordinary effects. Consider a thought of this great master - no doubt! - Spiritual (Sathya Sai Baba. The Flow of Divine Love: Prema Vahini, Publisher: Foundation Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba of Brazil, 1st edition, 2010, p.15-16 see link ... http:// ... www.fundacaosai.org.br/)
"If necessary, the education, there are so many schools and how many you need, and if you're looking for fortune, there are several ways in which, with effort, you can get it worthily. Despite this, however, we found no increase of human happiness or peace. Indeed, there is much misery of those previous eras!
What then is the cause of it? The question arises of human behavior, the very way of life of man. Human life is undoubtedly the highest in evolution and to give it meaning, is essentially a spiritual endeavor, endeavor to be pure and holy. To this way of life, character is extremely important. The character becomes immortal life, he survives death. Some say that knowledge is power, but that is not true. Character is power. Even the acquisition of knowledge demands a good character. Therefore, everyone should earnestly desire to develop a flawless character, without a trace of malice.
Note that Buddha, Jesus Christ, Sankaracharya and Vivekananda, the great sages, saints and devotees of the Lord are saved until today, in memory of the men. What is the quality that made them memorable forever, why? I tell them that it was the character of each.
Without character, wealth, education, social position, none of this is useful. It is the fragrance of the flower, which gives value and merit. Poets, painters, artists, and scientists can be excellent, each in his own field, but without character, they may not have prestige in society. ".
And also according to Sathya Sai Baba: "Sadhana [spiritual discipline] is all of life. Every thought, word and deed is a step closer to or away from God.
God is not in the heavens. He is within us, with us, beside us, behind, in front of us. In each cell. It is like life. In each atom, as an activity. God is all that and more "(Baba, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai. Sadhana: the inner way: bright teachings of Sai Baba; translation of José Hermogenes - 11th Ed Rio de Janeiro: New Age, 2012, p.9).
The aspirant must find a spiritual discipline to purify and remove the dark cloud that covers his transcendental vision, and also need to learn the discipline of interior silence, of identity with the divine being within. And if God is speaking to us as we do to listen to YOU? It is necessary to create an intersubjective dialogue (transcendental).
Martin Buber (see link .. http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Buber):
"Martin Buber (Vienna, February 8, 1878 - Jerusalem, June 13, 1965) was a philosopher, writer and educator, Jewish Austrian origin, and inspiration Zionist. Had multilingual education: at home learned Yiddish and German in school Hebrew, French and Polish. His university training was in Vienna.
In his philosophical publications, emphasized its view that there is no existence without communication and dialogue, and that objects do not exist without an interaction with them. The words first, I-Thou (relationship), I-It (experience), show the two dimensions of the philosophy of dialogue, according to Buber, concern the very existence.
Man is born with the ability to interrelationships with his neighbor, or intersubjectivity. Intersubjectivity is the relationship between subject and subject and / or subject and object. The relationship, according to the philosopher Martin Buber, happens between I and Thou, and is called I-Thou relationship. The interrrelação according to Martin Buber, involves dialogue, encounter and accountability, between two subjects and / or the relationship between subject and object. Intersubjectivity is one of the areas involving human life and, therefore, needs to be reflected and analyzed by philosophy, especially the Philosophical Anthropology. "
When I read the book (I-TU) Martin Buber in my doctoral interpreted that this great thinker used the expression I-Thou to characterize the relationship between the human phenomenon (subject) and a transcendental phenomenon intersubjective dialogue. Martin Buber used the term to characterize I-It relationship and dialogue between a subject and the object or subject of the objective world concrete human - just! In summary transcendental dialogue takes place in a hierarchy relation between the Subject-Creator (God) and fellow-creature (a human being). And to strengthen this relationship, we need to exercise faith in spiritual discipline and make a spiritual discipline to increase faith. Discipline and Faith are the key words for any aspiring or apprentice spiritual. Of course we must love Him and worship HIM, so the spiritual practices of devotional songs are important to increase our sensitivity. The exercise of prayer, meditation or contemplation daily further increases sensitivity in human unusual way to discover, reveal, listen and talk to God. The lazy man or blended the confusion of their social world can not hear the still, small voice of God within. And it is not enough just to "believe" we have to have faith and constant discipline (if possible every second!). And over time this discipline becomes so natural that we trust and move on even though our back skeptics try to achieve with words or abstract theories or ideologies without God. Thus, the spiritual aspirant needs to acquire an unshakable faith, even in your company or group there are those who do not believe in their spiritual discipline. The spiritual aspirant has to be determined, persevering and assume the consequences of their actions and their faith until death. The example of Jesus Christ is extraordinary because even though they would not crucify him fled and left them to do that act tragic and cruel. The same happened to Socrates who stood firm and took poison to show that the truth of it was more than death itself. See link ... http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Morte_de_S% C3% B3crates "The Death of Socrates (fr: La Mort de Socrate) is a 1787 painting by the French painter Jacques-Louis David.
It represents the scene of death of the Greek philosopher Socrates, having been against the ideas of the Athenians and corrupt the minds of the young with their poor performances. The painting also depicts Plato and Crito, with the first sitting glumly on the bed and holding her knee Crito Socrates. Socrates had the option of going into exile (and hence give up his philosophic vocation) or be sentenced to death. Socrates chose death. In the table in red robes, a disciple of Socrates, holding the glass of Conium. The hand of Socrates points to the sky, indicating their reverence to the gods and courageous for his death.
This painting is considered one of the greatest works of Jacques-Louis David and is on display in New York at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. "

The Work of Salvation in Each
The Work of Salvation in Each (Melgaço Bernardo da Silva)
Id online Journal of Psychology. Year 7, No. 20, Julho/2013 - ISSN 1981-1179. Electronic Publishing in http://idonline.emnuvens.com.br/id

When I did Holistic Therapies, in Rio de Janeiro, I learned a very interesting tale. And so began ... There once was a writer who need peace to concentrate on making a book he was writing rented a house right next to a beach almost deserted.
From his window he could see the sand and the waves of the sea. And it came to live in the house, put his desk next to the window so you could see the beauty of the ocean waves. I once saw a man far gestured very strange. He strained his eyes but as it was too far - even! - Only saw a human figure crouching as if making a gym or a ritual with arms throwing something towards the sea. He was curious about the scene. And decided to observe the phenomenon. Left the house and walked on the sand. Walked hundreds of meters and as ía approaching the stranger, the scene became clearer. And as soon as he approached the man, the stranger asked: "What are you doing?". The stranger then said: "You can see that the beach is full of stars starfish stranded on the sand. I'm trying to save them by returning them to the sea. " The writer responded by saying: "What good do you do this if there are thousands who are stranded and not all may be saved."
What the stranger replied immediately holding one in your hand and then throwing it into the sea: "But for this one so useless." This story makes us reflect on the role of the educator in the responsibility of the generation of knowledge and its transmission in the educational process.
1 melgaço Bernardo da Silva is a professor at the University Regional Cariri - URCA / EC. E-mail: bernardomelgaco@gmail.com

How many of us educators assume the role of the writer is letting down the disastrous vision and passive in the face of "star-fish" stranded on deserted beaches of the world capitalist social? And how many of us assume the role of the strange man who despite the immense difficulty of the work does not slaughter and continues to believe that it is possible to stay in your vehicle task as a process of salvation of nature in general?
Today, the task of salvation was subordinated to the professional work of economic value. Few are those missionaries who perceive reality in a humanistic, non-capitalist, and ethics. A large majority sees reality as an observer or seller of knowledge.

The strange man's attitude is commendable because it took advantage of the situation to make the misery of those poor stars starfish stranded. We can imagine another guy who saw that the stars were starfish stranded on the sand decided to sell them and make money in a fair free-populated city in another.
Looking through the prism of the educational process I see the stars, the sea can be represented symbolically to identify individuals who by unfortunate lost in the sea of life and were released to fend for themselves in the wilderness and away from your spiritual habitat. Launched, ie, these individuals returned to their original place spiritually or left to suffer or die, or else, we took advantage of their individual nature because of its weakness and inexperience of life?

"The good shepherd gives his life to save his sheep" - said Jesus Christ. "The good shepherd persuades and fattening his sheep to save his own material wealth - his life" - says and does the anti-Christ rhetoric.

How to cite this article (ISO Format):
SILVA, B.M.. The work of salvation of each one. Id on Line Journal of Psychology, July 2013, vol.1, n.20, p. 08-09. ISSN 1981-1189.

Before that time to drain
Before life lose meaning
Before before
Before After
Before the end of everything
Before anything
Before the sun sets
Before the moon appear
Before that the fantasy is gone
Before the smile fashion skirt
Before the bird flies to its nest
Before the rose exhale their perfume
Before darkness is darkness
Search in thee the lost treasure
Do not postpone this inevitable search
She ever shall be made
You are the treasure and the adventurer
You are the map and the territory
Love yourself and talk
Talk to your divine essence
That dwells within you
Tell her about your life
His anguish
Your fears
Your wishes
His cowardice towards life
Embrace yourself as if embracing the essence
Do not be ashamed
Do not think crazy
For She is the treasure that never imagined
It's so beautiful
Let your light can "blind you"
If defrontares She abruptly with
It is a fragrance that never felt in all his life
It is the pleasure that you have never experienced
Is beyond sex, light years away
It is the star that you would like to get their hands
Is music ever written by someone
She is real and beautiful
She is simply the essence of God
Do not believe that God does not exist
This is for the skeptics hard of heart
Not for you
God is the external and internal nature of man
The inner nature virgin wanting to be addicted
Talk to Her
Search the map with the principles loyal
Follow a path or method
Marry his will early in his inner journey
If you "fall in love" for their faith
Do you experiment a relationship-experimenter
Analyze and complete results
Correct the method and the map as soon as necessary
Be careful when you fall for the info
As someone falls for a woman or man
Because information can be its own prison or freedom
It depends on how you use
Stay alert to himself
In that lurks in the jungle inside
That you created there is a world of beasts
You'll have to face them one by one
They are beasts of other lives, and this also
Knowing this does not create beasts when you start the inner journey
Each word consists of thought-emotion can be a beast
Be smart and avoid building more inner monsters
The illusion is to believe that you are the monsters in the jungle of life outside
Someone said: "Truth is absolute, that is true"
At this moment this person threw itself a spark of light
Every insight you have
You are lighting up
Be alert!
The mystics, religious believers and the Presidents
All are Gods and all men and women
Although we did not realize just
That's because we blind us to another reality
The blind is not only the one who does not see with your physical eyes
But also and especially the one who does not see the soul
God speaks through the man himself
The same word serves communication
For various levels of our consciousness
So if not for you - respect!
Humbly admit that not got the message
Or that the message is not for your level of consciousness
For the other may be the key itself for the illumination
This is how the Creator establishes a contact
Contact so beautiful and so smart
That is beyond our mind and our emotions profane
So when iniciares the inner journey
Acordarás dawn doing poetry to yourself
Like I'm doing now
Laughing alone as madmen do with such naturalness
Madmen are also Gods!
Use your imagination
As the great master Einstein brilliantly used the it
Use your faith
As the unforgettable master Jesus Christ applied
Talk to the birds, trees and animals
As St. Francis of Assisi
Do not be shy
Shyness is one of the resistors in search of treasure
But for a moment if rebelares
Learn to forgive yourself every moment
When we learn to forgive
Know forgive our neighbor
And here we are taking important steps towards approaching treasure "lost"
Get into the habit of concentration in his thought-emotion
Earlier any process is arduous
But along the "time" becomes smooth and as natural
A thought which was once seen as dust
Now with the practice of meditation or concentration
Becomes a big stone in front of us
What once became impossible to realize
Now it is so familiar
Our attention span is infinite!
Think: would be crazy yogis?
That for thousands of years seek perfection
Concentration in themselves!
Are they wasting time for nothing?
Anyone in their right mind can admit that Buddhists are vain people?
What are doing mantras - which are repetitions of sacred expressions
In lotus position
Everything has to do with all
Nothing is done by accident
The accident is the mother of ignorance
Sometimes we think we are what we think
Ever thought closely and realized that thought is energy?
And being that there must be an energy source that generates
And that there is always a source close to a load
Then the thought-negative emotion is not the source
This thought-emotion is information-load
The source and the load appear to be the same thing, but this is an illusion
As a mother raises a son
You generate a thought-emotion
The child does not belong to mother
He came through it
Likewise the thought-emotion came through you
He does not belong: not imprison release it
He already has its own life
It will grow as the child grows
You are "God and the Devil," said Jesus
You are the "Source and Load" I say
You are the "Energy and Information"
They are different things that need to be perceived
To find the treasure "lost"
If you can not understand
A charge may want to take the place of supply
And there is the horse that takes command in place of the knight
Imagine what can happen
Knowing that there are gaps in your path
What will be the fate of that trip?
No doubt - the cliff!
Unless the rider takes his real command
And the horse know that there is a knight
Intelligent and gentle to him
You two!
As a coin has two sides
You are also the currency
Go on!
Keep seeking his treasure "lost"
The certainty that life is more fantastic
Any movie that has caused her emotion
And if one day all men simultaneously
They could make a contact for a few seconds
With his divine sparks
At that moment the Earth would change
All men would hug
And cry with joy and happiness
And would realize the stupidity of violence
Realize that instant
The beauty of life
That physical death does not exist
That life is continuous
That happiness depends only
We find our divine spark
For that is the true happiness
True love
True wisdom
True compassion
True piety
The true courage
True faith
The true God in ourselves
As a warrior is armed for war
Do the same!
Arm yourself with courage, will and faith
The real struggle as I said the master Buddha
It is internal
It is the hardest battle we can accomplish
As the Buddha said:
"It's easier to win one or more battles with multiple enemies than winning the inner battle"
It is sure that during this battle you have to "die"
Symbolically or alchemically
Is the death of the ego, the ego-personality
And I can not escape the battle
It is necessary to confront this "death"
Ë when you get to die for this life
Do you understand the words of the Master Jesus
"We live and die in life to be born into eternity"
This "death" is not the consciousness and the physical body
The thought-emotion is the deviation on the map
The flow of divine energy is the territory
This is the key
This is the way
As we improve the map
The path becomes clearer
And the land will be revealing
In ecstasies stunning sequences
Confidence increases
And what will be adjusting ... adjusting
Aligning and joining each other
By the coupling and finally the wedding of two consciousnesses
Then at that moment the great dream unfolds
Life is colorful
The infinite is possible
And heaven awaits us forever
Not as men
But as Children of God
Similar to the Father
I hope you in the arms of the Father
Returning back to the house of our Father God
Bernardo da Silva Melgaço

Lord, I know you gave me Probes (http://letras.mus.br/padre-marcelo-rossi/66350/ Brazilian religious music). Bonita!!!!!!!!!
I know that thou hast
I also know that you know me
If I sit down or stand up
You know my thoughts
Whether either lying or walking
You know all my steps
And before there are words in me
I know you know me at all
Lord, I know that thou hast (4 times) Chorus
God, thou hast beset
Rest your hands on me
Such knowledge is great
Not reach such high
If I ascend to heaven
I know I'll meet you there too
If the pit is my soul
I know there love me too
Lord, I know that thou hast (4 times) Chorus
Lord, I know you love me (4 times) Chorus
I suggest you watch six videos on the Internet: "Who are we? (Based on quantum physics ... see link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDXFRvbe2VY) "," I AM "(On Tom Shadyac)," The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra " , "The Turning Point - based on the book by Fritjof Capra", "Conversations with God" - based on the book by Neale Donald Walsch ... Conversations with God (originally titled: Conversations with God) is a series of three books published by Neale Donald Walsch, who claims to have been directly inspired by God in his writings. Each book is written as a dialogue in which Walsch asks questions and "God" answers them. Walsch also says that it is not plumbing, but divine inspirations. In 2006, a movie was released about the history of the author and his books ... See link http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversando_com_Deus), "The Unity of Religions: The Universal Love - on the website of Sri Sathya Sai Baba of Brazil."
Recommended books: "Hands of Light - Barbara Ann Brennan, publisher Thought", "Vibrational Medicine - Richard Gerber, publisher Cultrix", "Your Sacred U.S. - Dr. Wayne Dyer, Publisher New Age", "The Flow of Divine Love : Prema Vahini - Posted by: Foundation Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba of Brazil. "
Prof. Melgaço Bernardo da Silva - free thinker holistic-transcendental philosopher (practitioner), scientist and spiritualist - Retired University Professor URCA (University Regional Cariri-EC).
email: bernardomelga10@hotmail.com
Facebook: Melgaço Bernardo da Silva / Education for the Third Millennium
Note: In 1992 and 1998 made two scientific work: master's thesis and doctoral dissertation respectively. And these two works, which has a copy of each of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (in the library of the hundred-CT Technology - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil), tried to show ("scientifically explain") the path Divine Love made in 1988. And those who wish a copy of my scientific work e-mail (I have them in Word format) to me, since I will be happy in the world to share my academic research at UFRJ / COPPE. Namaste ... thank you!

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